From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Tue Jul 11 16:35:15 2017


Cc: DECONCINI Nina; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany; Richard Whitman; BACHMAN Jeff;;

Subject: DEQ warnings in 2015 and 2016 to Molalla City Council regarding wastewater permit compliance problems

Importance: Normal

Attachments: DEQ Molalla City Council 2016.jpg; DEQ Molalla City Council 2016 (2).jpg; DEQ Molalla City Council 2016 (3).jpg; DEQ Molalla City Council 2016 (4).jpg; DEQ Molalla City Council April 2015 minutes.jpg; DEQ Molalla City Council April 2015 minutes (2).jpg;


Dear Molalla City Council,


Since the majority of you are new to the City Council this year and perhaps not fully informed about Molalla's mounting and serious wastewater permit violations and the coming upgrades that will be required as the city faces a major facility designation in about 2 1/2 years, here are presentations from the 2015 and 2016 City Council meetings where DEQ directly informed the city about regulations. An informed City Council is a competent City Council - now there can be no excuses that you didn't know the problems existed. Perhaps you will be better able to decide if it is wise to spend money on lawyers making excuses or better to use the money instead to start to face and fix your glaring and growing wastewater violation problems?


DEQ staff and Director Whitman are copied on this email to remind them of that DEQ has given Molalla copious warnings about the wastewater problems and the need to find solutions - including finding the money needed to fix the problems and meet Clean Water Act compliance as a coming major facility.


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery