From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Thu Jul 06 12:38:05 2017
Subject: DEQ Public Information Request
Importance: Normal
Attachments: - Entries.csv; Dear Nina, See below for a formal public information request to see ALL DEQ staff notes from the July 5, 2017 meeting with Molalla regarding the ongoing and severe violations wastewater permit violations and the need for a MAO. DEQ's secret meetings that exclude stakeholders like Bear Creek Recovery - which spent years researching Molalla's wastewater violation issues (noting in that process DEQ's failure to vigorously enforce) and has a settlement from a Clean Water Act lawsuit in place that DEQ's actions regarding pending violations affect - is not embracing the transparency in government that Oregonians have long campaigned for. It is offensive to those of us who fund the state agencies to have "our" agency staffers fail to respond to phone calls or direct questions so we are forced to file pubic information requests. Bear Creek Recovery expects that such a high level meeting would have resulted in excellent staff notes. We look forward to seeing the outcome of this very long awaited meeting reflected in DEQ staff notes. Since the meeting was so recent, there should not be difficulty in producing the requested records. Sincerely, Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: 6 Jul 2017 12:07:45 -0700 To: Subject: Input Received: Submitted: 7/6/2017 12:07:27 PM Requester Information Please provide us with contact information for your request. Name Susan Hansen Company Bear Creek Recovery non-profit Address PO Box 50 , Molalla 97038 United States Phone (503) 789-7179 Email Request Information Tell us about the information you are requesting. How would you like to receive your request? Electronic Copies Departmental Routing Select... If this is regarding an enforcement action, you are required to provide a case name and number. This request is made on behalf of: Bear Creek Recovery non-profit Program (if known) Water Quality Permit/Inspection Site Address and Location Information: An address is required for information on specific sites. For onsite/septic requests, you must provide a township, range and section. Multiple addresses for site? Site Type Select... Site County Select... Township Range Section Tax Account/Lot # Subdivision Records Requested All DEQ staff notes taken at the July 5 meeting with the City of Molalla/ Ring Bender law firm and DEQ. Request includes the notes/ meeting records of Director Whitman, Director Whitman's staff, Nina DeConcini, Jeff Bachman and any other DEQ staff present at the July 5 meeting regarding City of Molalla wastewater violations / MAO. Include any emails generated after the July 5 meeting between City of Molalla / DEQ staff / Ring Bender dated July 5 or July 6 2017. Bear Creek Recovery has a fee waiver in place and has a law suit settlement in place with the City of Molalla so BCR is a stakeholder in the outcome of the MAO and the pending violations. We will, as usual, share all public information widely, including with our members, on FB and webpages and via newspaper submissions.