From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Mon Sep 22 16:05:22 2014
Subject: COMPLAINT PONDING - Photos Sept 10 - 21
Importance: Normal
Attachments: P1290166e Sept 10 2014 south Coleman across from ranch driveway - dry.jpg; P1290256e Sept 12 2014 no ponding.jpg; P1290301 Sept 15 no ponding.jpg; P1290430 Sept 18 sprinkling north Coleman across from ponding site.jpg; P1290435e Sept 18 ponding begins in north Coleman (note water left corner and muddy cows).jpg; P1290473 Sept 21 sprinklers north Coleman.jpg; P1290474 Sept 21 ponding begging south side Freyer Pk Rd red.jpg; Dear Tiffany, Here are the photos from days prior to the ponding photos from today. Note that #474 caption should read "beginning" instead of "begging". Sorry for the typo. In any case you can see the site I have documented all summer was bone dry till a day ago when it started to get muddy on the south side. The wallow/ponding on the north side on Sept 18 was caused by a line that ran along the driveway fence. As soon as they turned off that line the ponding ended on the north side. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:49:52 -0700 To: Subject: Emailing: P1290166e Sept 10 2014 south Coleman across from ranch driveway - dry, P1290256e Sept 12 2014 no ponding, P1290301 Sept 15 no ponding, P1290430 Sept 18 sprinkling north Coleman across from ponding site, P1290435e Sept 18 ponding begins in north Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: P1290166e Sept 10 2014 south Coleman across from ranch driveway - dry P1290256e Sept 12 2014 no ponding P1290301 Sept 15 no ponding P1290430 Sept 18 sprinkling north Coleman across from ponding site P1290435e Sept 18 ponding begins in north Coleman (note water left corner and muddy cows) P1290473 Sept 21 sprinklers north Coleman P1290474 Sept 21 ponding begging south side Freyer Pk Rd red Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.