From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Fri Sep 12 13:45:33 2014
Subject: Complaint: runoff from recycled water EARLY AUGUST in Coleman Creamery Creek field
Importance: Normal
Attachments: P1240170creamery creek dry June 31 (after rain) - Copy.jpg; P1240344e Aug 1 sprinkling border of Creamery Creek now running via sprinklers.jpg; P1240348 Aug 1 Creamery Creek Mathias running because of sprinklers.jpg; P1240377 Aug 1 sprinklers on both sides of Creamery Creek yellow flowers mark creek.jpg; P1240379 sprinkler lines north Coleman Creamery Creek runs right to left in in green channel.jpg; P1240381 Aug 1 sprinkler line draining to Creamery Creek.jpg; P1240427Aug 1 late afternoon red line is Creamery Creek note sprinklers on both sides of creek.jpg; Dear DEQ, As a companion to my earlier emails about the runoff and ponding around the August 25 dumping of recycled water on Coleman ranch Creamery Creek field, I am forwarding two emails with what happened on the same field via days of intense recycled water application. Creamery Creek channel was totally dry at the end of June (see photo) and remained that way until 4 lines of recycled water sprinklers were set off in late July. Creamery Creek began running via that sprinkling, as did the channel that runs south from the center of the field. Note that the sprinkler all line the creek and the channel so excess water runs right into the creek and channel and offsite. Then when the sprinklers were turned off, in a matter of days both channels were dry again - until the Aug. 25 ponding events. That Creamery Creek field is wetlands that are unsuitable to application because the runoff happens almost immediately. And that runoff in these early August photos was when the second sample reading over 14,000 of E.coli was taken. It's a tiny field and nothing "beneficial" happens there except for Molalla being able to dump recycled water and send it out in those two channels, one of which goes through the city in multiple open ditches. I'd be happy to furnish far more photos, including the ebb and flow of water in the Creamery "aka E.coli" Creek city ditches according to whether or not sprinklers are running. I have a photo record of almost every day that recycled water is being applied and can show in graphic terms the ponding that occurs, including to the south on the Bear Creek field. That will forthcoming. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery. -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 11:00:45 -0700 To: Subject: Emailing: P1240170creamery creek dry June 31 (after rain) - Copy, P1240344e Aug 1 sprinkling border of Creamery Creek now running via sprinklers, P1240348 Aug 1 Creamery Creek Mathias running because of sprinklers, P1240377 Aug 1 sprinklers on both sides Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: P1240170creamery creek dry June 31 (after rain) - Copy P1240344e Aug 1 sprinkling border of Creamery Creek now running via sprinklers P1240348 Aug 1 Creamery Creek Mathias running because of sprinklers P1240377 Aug 1 sprinklers on both sides of Creamery Creek yellow flowers mark creek P1240379 sprinkler lines north Coleman Creamery Creek runs right to left in in green channel P1240381 Aug 1 sprinkler line draining to Creamery Creek P1240427Aug 1 late afternoon red line is Creamery Creek note sprinklers on both sides of creek Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.