From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Tue Sep 20 16:08:37 2016
Subject: Complaint: City of Molalla wastewater discharge/ ponding / moisture content on Coleman Ranch fields
Importance: Normal
Attachments: P1180037.jpg; P1180038.jpg; P1180039.jpg; P1180040.jpg; P1180041.jpg; P1180042.jpg; P1180043.jpg; P1180044.jpg; P1180045.jpg; Dear DEQ, Please find attached a number of photos taken mid-afternoon Sept. 20, 2016 of major ponding in the Coleman Ranch field south of Freyer Park Road, directly across from the entrance to the Coleman Ranch house. There is a big gun sprinkler running in the field slightly uphill from the area of ponding and there is a handline sprinkler running to the north in the Creamery Creek field along the ranch house entry road (see photos). Please check for the rules on moisture content and ponding in wastewater discharge permit. Either the sprinkling is causing the ponding and/or the moisture content in the fields is too high for the fields to absorb the water, causing ponding at the low point. I have photos from the summer that show the area in question was dry all summer long. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: P1180037 P1180038 P1180039 P1180040 P1180041 P1180042 P1180043 P1180044 P1180045 Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.