From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Tue Sep 27 13:34:20 2016
Subject: Coleman Ranch ponding
Importance: Normal
Attachments: P1180468.jpg; P1180469.jpg; P1180470.jpg; P1180471.jpg; Dear David, Thanks for responding to my complaint. I do reject the excuses provided by the City of Molalla. That field is known to have very hydric soil and that site where all the water collected was directly downhill from the sprinkler, no matter the distance the city claimed, it is hard to imagine why anyone would run a sprinkler that close to ponding. There is no way the events were not connected - or if the city wants to claim rainfall then it should have refrained from uphill watering near that ponding site. I think we all know water runs downhill and we pointed out in hearings that these fields were easily prone to ponding. See attached photos from Sunday Sept 28 at noon - no sprinkling was going on and it had been drier so the ponding is nearly gone. Please keep all the photos on file. We will be keeping track of the known ponding areas as wetter weather is coming. I wonder if you require routine posting of the soil moisture checks the city is supposed to perform? Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 13:25:33 -0700 To: Subject: Emailing: P1180468, P1180469, P1180470, P1180471 Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: P1180468 P1180469 P1180470 P1180471 Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.