From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Sun Oct 22 10:52:13 2017
Subject: CANCEL PRR 6040: Molalla's new violations, premature discharge into Molalla River; discharging on saturated fields
Importance: Normal
Attachments: molalla early discharge_notification_to_canby_water.20171011.pdf; molalla early discharge notification deq.pdf; molalla deq notice moisture email._molalla_irrigation_10.6.17-1.pdf; Dear DEQ, Since you failed to honor in a timely manner the below public information request submitted way back on Oct 11 (acknowledged by DEQ's Dana Huddleston: "prrHansen6040, I looked at the request, and you submitted it on October 11") requesting the simple notification of any premature discharge of wastewater into the Molalla River, please cancel that request. Ms. Yelton-Bram claims in a recent email that DEQ is not trying to stall or hide information. I think this simple request for notification is a clear example that DEQ does not wish the public to understand the depth of Molalla's ongoing violations. It is now October 22 and BCR was not provided with the Oct 11 City of Molalla premature discharge notification which was in DEQ's possession on Oct 11. DEQ was notified by the City of Molalla the very day I spoke with Ms. Yelton-Bram on the phone and asked her about premature discharge. Per her request, I promptly filed PRR 6040 on Oct. 11 so Bear Creek Recovery would be notified. It is also telling that Ms. Yelton-Bram failed to note the attached Ring Bender letter noting that Molalla was already violating its permit by discharging on saturated fields. Does DEQ ever plan to bring Molalla into compliance? It certainly looks like DEQ is involved in never ending stalling, since exactly the same excuses and violations now occur year after year. How many years does the City of Molalla get to claim that is has no other remedy other than endless violations of its permit and how many years does it get before it has to pay for the mounting Civil Penalties? Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery Here is the request DEQ can cancel: -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 10:50:14 -0800 To: Subject: Public Records Request As requested, the following request was submitted via the DEQ request web form. Thanks for your help with public information. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery Attn: Tiffany Yelton-Bram Requesting notice about any non-permitted/ premature discharge of Molalla wastewater into the Molalla River from Oct. 11 - to legal discharge date Nov. 1. Please provide date(s) of discharge as soon as discharge occurs. Bear Creek Recovery has a fee waiver on file and as a for the public good non-profit seeks to share information widely about issues surrounding the Clean Water Act. Summary Field Value Name Susan Hansen Company Bear Creek Recovery non-profit Address PO Box 50 Molalla 97038 United States Phone (503) 789-7179 Email How would you like to receive your request? Electronic Copies Departmental Routing Select... Program (if known) Water Quality Permit/Inspection Site Type Select... Site County Select... Attn: Tiffany Yelton-Bram Requesting notice about any non-permitted/ premature discharge of Molalla wastewater into the Molalla River from Oct. 11 - to legal discharge date Nov. 1. Please provide date(s) of discharge as soon as discharge occurs. Bear Creek Recovery has a fee waiver on file and as a for the public good non-profit seeks to share information widely about issues surrounding the Clean Water Act. Summary Field Value Name Susan Hansen Company Bear Creek Recovery non-profit Address PO Box 50 Molalla 97038 United States Phone (503) 789-7179 Email How would you like to receive your request? Electronic Copies Departmental Routing Select... Program (if known) Water Quality Permit/Inspection Site Type Select... Site County Select... Attn: Tiffany Yelton-Bram Requesting notice about any non-permitted/ premature discharge of Molalla wastewater into the Molalla River from Oct. 11 - to legal discharge date Nov. 1. Please provide date(s) of discharge as soon as discharge occurs. Bear Creek Recovery has a fee waiver on file and as a for the public good non-profit seeks to share information widely about issues surrounding the Clean Water Act.