From: HAFLEY Dan
Sent: Tue Aug 29 15:43:14 2017
To: 'Susan Hansen'
Subject: Avison South Parcel
Importance: Normal
Susan –
We just received a Focused Feasibility Study for the South Parcel portion of the Avison site. The document evaluates a number of potential remedial actions to address dioxin contamination in soil in the southern site near Bear Creek. [As we have previously discussed, dioxin contamination exceeding DEQ’s cleanup standard of 120 parts per trillion (ppt) is also present in two localized areas within the creek, and would also be addressed in the soil removal action].
Cleanup actions that were considered include capping-in-place, along with full removal and either on-site or off-site disposal. The remedy proposed by Avison’s consultant consists of: removal of all South Parcel contamination (soil and creek sediment) and relocation to the North Parcel. Dioxin-contaminated soil from South Parcel would then be consolidated with North Parcel contamination and covered by a permanent cap.
We have currently begun review of the document and will be preparing comments in the next few weeks. As with decision-making for the Floragon Dip Tank Area, DEQ will prepare a document outlining which cleanup action we prefer, and hold a public comment period and community meeting before making a final decision. We hope to propose a remedy in the fall so that work can take place in 2018.
I will be posting a copy of the Focused Feasibility Study on DEQ’s ECSI website in the coming days and will provide you a link.
Dan Hafley