From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Mon Sep 25 09:12:30 2017
Subject: Agency grant money for Molalla's Wastewater Facility & Collection System Master Plan?b Importance: Normal
Have any of your agencies - ODOT, DLCD and/or DEQ - granted money to Molalla to conduct a "project advisory committee" (link below) for a Wastewater Facility & Collection System Master Plan? If so, please direct me to the grant application.
Molalla disposes all of its wastewater on rural lands and in the Molalla River, it deposits biosolids on local lands so its wastewater/sludge disposal affects a wide area, yet its proposed committee expressly excludes any local rural stakeholder with concerns about groundwater, local creeks and the Molalla River from participating in this effort.
Groups like Molalla River Watch, Native Fish Society, Pudding River Watershed Council, Bear Creek Recovery and many rural citizens have concerns about Molalla's ongoing failure to comply with its NPEDS permit and the Clean Water Act. Please keep this in mind next time Molalla applies for grants, since it is yet another example of Molalla's disregard for Goal One, broad citizen involvement. Here is the language of the proposed committee application as found on Molalla's website:
“To qualify for the PAC you must be a resident of Molalla, property owner within the City limits, property owner within the Urban Growth Boundary, business owner within the City, or representative of an organization or interest group based within the City of Molalla."
Susan Hansen
Bear Creek Recovery