From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany
Sent: Fri Apr 28 17:58:15 2017
To: 'Susan Hansen'
Subject: Your voice messages
Importance: Normal
Hi Susan
I know I have to returned your call from yesterday or today. Nina and I did get to meet with our agency Director today and he has reached out to Molalla’s legal counsel. At this time, we are awaiting their response to schedule.
You also asked if we’ve sent any other compliance letters or enforcement action to them in the past week. We have not.
You also asked about DEQ’s response to EPA on the State Review Framework, which includes the issues EPA raised on Mutual Agreements and Orders. I don’t work directly on the agency’s response to this document. I understand that we are preparing a document to respond to those issue but I do not know when it will be released.
Tiffany Yelton Bram
WQ Source Control Manager
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600
Portland OR 97232
Desk 503 229 5219
Mobile 503 975 0046
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