From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Fri Oct 27 12:39:10 2017

To: Richard Whitman


Subject: Warning letter issued Aug. 31 to City of Molalla regarding Stone Place Apts phase 3 / prior $37,000 DEQ fine against developer of Stoneplace

Importance: Normal

Attachments: City of Molalla 2017-WL-2878.pdf;


Dear Mr. Whitman,


Bear Creek Recovery continues to be concerned about the lack of progress in the efforts to get the City of Molalla into compliance with its wastewater permit and with the Clean Water act. Today's receipt of the attached warning letter from DEQ regarding the City of Molalla's failure to provide DEQ with the opportunity to comment on the plans for Stoneplace phase 3, a large apt complex addition (found on the 2014-2017 interaction timeline) is a prime example of Molalla's failure to accept its responsibility to interact with State of Oregon agencies. Also of concern is DEQ's earlier fine against the Stoneplace developer for failing to protect the site during construction (that is not on the timeline). It looks like different departments at DEQ failed to check to see if DEQ had approved the Stoneplace design plans when DEQ noted the issues with the developer that resulted in the $37,000 fine.



Here is the story about the $37,000 fine, which came well in advance of DEQ "discovering" this large project was already completed:

We hope DEQ departments/inspectors do a better job coordinating so similar fiascos don't happen in the future.



Please have DEQ to check the Stoneplace phase 3 design files to see if the City/Stoneplace followed though on the conditions for storm water retention. I could not find those plans in the planning file when I examined it in Molalla City Hall after phase 3 was complete.




Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery




-----Original Message-----


Sent: Fri, 27 Oct 2017 11:14:15 -0800


Subject: FW: Records requested regarding the Warning letter issued Aug. 31 to City of Molalla regarding Stone Place Apts phase 3





It is of concern that DEQ several months ago issued a $37,000 fine to the Stoneplace developer yet did not figure out till the end of August that the entire phase three construction was not approved as far as sewer in advance of construction. I would suggest DEQ departments should be far more careful about consulting with each other, esp. when issues come up in places like Molalla that have shown contempt for land use and environmental rules.

Susan Hansen




-----Original Message-----


Sent: Fri, 27 Oct 2017 18:10:23 +0000


Subject: Records requested regarding the Warning letter issued Aug. 31 to City of Molalla regarding Stone Place Apts phase 3



Attached to this email is a copy of the warning letter that was sent to the City of Molalla on August 31st, 2017.

There was no charge for this request.

Diana Adams

WQ Office Specialist for NWR

700 NE Multnomah

Portland, OR 97232
