From: Laura Narehood

Sent: Thu Oct 08 11:03:17 2020

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Laura Narehood

Subject: Noise and Smell in Big Meadow

Importance: Normal


Good morning,


I'm not sure who to email about a loud humming that goes on day and night and a foul smell that wafts over my neighborhood from time to time (like just now).


I completed a citizen concern form online this week, but the noise and the smell seem to be getting worse lately. I can't sleep because of the loud humming which doesn't seem to turn off until about 4am and then starts up again around 7:30am.


It has made sleeping impossible (even with ear plugs and a fan for noise) and we can't have our windows open when the odor comes in waves. Working in the yard is not fun either.


I don't know if this is the hemp trading company or the plastics recycling company. All I know, it's really changed this neighborhood for the worse. I read that the noise/odor meeting that was scheduled for earlier this year was to be rescheduled, but couldn't see that it happened. Was there ever any progress on that?


I hope you can provide me with some information and hope that this will get better.


Thank you, Laura Narehood