From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Thu Jun 11 22:21:31 2020

To: Dan Zinder; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Dan Huff

Subject: I will be home Friday

Importance: Normal


Hi Gerald and DZ,


Tonight I asked Dan if I can take Friday off. Assuming he says yes, I will be working on a few things around the house, but plan to work from home a bit too. DZ, I will check in with you tomorrow morning. We can coordinate on issues throughout the day, as needed. Feel free to call me. I know we're working through some deadlines now.


Gerald, I still need to finish my review of both the storm and sewer codes to identify CHTC Storm and Sewer violations. Amy believes this is time-sensitive. We can send violation letters pronto to provide notice and start imposing fines before the harvest begins. I will work on that too. If I finish and you have time, we can walk through my code analysis with you by phone on Friday or I will be ready to meet with you Monday.


If I don't see you or talk to you, have a nice weekend.

