From: Amy Lindgren

Sent: Fri Jun 26 13:12:06 2020

To: Spencer Parsons; Dan Huff; Dan Zinder; Gerald Fisher

Subject: Fwd: CHTC (Columbia Hemp Trading Company) 410 Industrial Way, Molalla

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Columbia 410 LLC _AQ-ACDP-NWR-2020-079_CPIssued.pdf; ATT00001.htm;


See attached from DEQ.


Gerald, are you still planning on getting the letter to them re the survey out soon?






Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:


From: STCLAIR Anzie <>

Date: June 26, 2020 at 12:55:17 PM PDT

To: Julie Larson <>

Cc: Dan Zinder <>, RUDLOFF Owen <>, Amy Lindgren <>

Subject: RE: CHTC (Columbia Hemp Trading Company) 410 Industrial Way, Molalla


Ms. Larson,




Owen forwarded me your email. DEQ issued its Notice of Civil Penalty and Assessment today. Columbia 410 LLC has 20 days to request a hearing on the matter. Let me know if you have any questions.



Best regards,




Anzie St. Clair


Environmental Law Specialist


Oregon DEQ | Office of Compliance & Enforcement


Cell/Primary: (971) 808-7368


Office: (503) 229-5422<>








From: Julie Larson <<>>

Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 10:02 AM

To: RUDLOFF Owen <<>>

Cc: Dan Zinder <<>>

Subject: CHTC (Columbia Hemp Trading Company) 410 Industrial Way, Molalla




Good Morning Owen,




I am following up on the attached email correspondence between you and our former Planning Director, Alice Cannon. It is my understanding that DEQ issued CHTC a Pre-Enforcement letter (attached) in Mid-February. Has or does DEQ anticipate moving into formal enforcement against CHTC in regards to their air quality violations?




I appreciate any information you can provide as to the status of this issue.




Kind regards,




Julie Larson


City of Molalla | Planning Specialist


117 N Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038


Direct: 503-759-0243 | Office: 503-829-6855


Business Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30



