From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Mon Apr 29 10:46:54 2019

To: Alice Cannon

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Andy Peters

Subject: Re: Code Enforcement Complaint

Importance: Normal




What are your thoughts on this? Pretty sure this is in regards to Jim Taylors access. The gift from 2006 that keeps on giving.





From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 3:04 PM

To: Dan Zinder

Subject: Code Enforcement Complaint

Good afternoon Dan,

It’s been an active afternoon for code enforcement issues.

The first one I received today is regarding dust control issues on the westbound access road at Ona Way and Lowe Road. Lowe Road ends at Ona Way. Continuing westbound, however is a dirt access road to some companies. A nearby neighbor named Rick Arnold is quite concerned about dust created by the access road.

His phone number is (971) 409-5573. His home address is 31827 S. Ona Way; Molalla, OR . I told him you are out now….that said, he is hoping someone can follow up and get back to him about whether anything can be done to prevent dust pollution from impacting his quality of life.

Alice Cannon