From: Dan Zinder
Sent: Fri Jan 25 17:18:37 2019
To: Andy Peters
Cc: Gerald Fisher; Kelly Richardson
Subject: RE: Abatement Needed at 714 Patrol ST
Importance: Normal
Also – I will need to coordinate entrance with Police
From: Dan Zinder
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 4:51 PM
To: Andy Peters <>
Cc: Gerald Fisher <>; Kelly Richardson <>
Subject: Abatement Needed at 714 Patrol ST
This property is in violation for their blackberry bushes extending from their property onto 716 Patrol and we need to abate. We’ve been trying to contact them since the summer but most notably:
Certified Mail sent 11/26/2018 – declined
US Mail sent 1/11/2019 (attached) ß the attached has the pertinent code and repercussions info
So they’re well past all deadlines now and it’s time for abatement.
We’ll need to look it over to get a scope of work and then do it. I can be available for the scope.
The neighbor is Lori Koos - and we’d likely be able to coordinate with her to look at the scope from her property if that would be better.
We will need to bill them for our time and work. I can give an estimate of my time on this issue.
Have a good weekend,