From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Fri Dec 06 11:23:10 2019

To: Ncam 10

Cc: Alice Cannon; Sam Miller; Gerald Fisher; Amy Lindgren

Subject: RE: 130 W. Main NW Corner of Main/Hezzie

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; 130 N Hezzie LN 2 - Complaint Letter - Official Notice.pdf;



This message is to follow up on a certified letter we sent on 11/25/2019. The letter is attached regarding illegal fence height in the front setback and vision clearance areas for 130 N Hezzie LN.

The City will be pursuing enforcement action starting this coming Tuesday, Dec 15th if no corrective action is taken. Similar to the billing issues, if the property has been sold, please have the owners come in and confirm. Your company is listed as the owner of record in all of our resources.


Dan Zinder


From: Sam Miller <>

Sent: Friday, October 25, 2019 4:18 PM

To: Dan Zinder <>

Cc: Alice Cannon <>

Subject: FW: 130 W. Main NW Corner of Main/Hezzie

Hey Dan,

Please see email’s below, A new home owner on 130 W Main has built a wooden fence that does not meet Molalla Standards. I have not reach out to the home owners yet, because I that it was still under construction and ownership of Cam Real Estate “Alliks” Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


From: Ncam 10 <>

Sent: Friday, October 25, 2019 10:30 AM

To: Sam Miller <>

Subject: Re: 130 W. Main NW Corner of Main/Hezzie

Hello Sam,

This property has been sold and the new owner was to check with molalla regulations.

Thanks Alliks

Sent from my Boost Mobile Phone.

-------- Original message --------

From: Sam Miller <>

Date: 10/24/19 3:47 PM (GMT-08:00)


Cc: Alice Cannon <>

Subject: 130 W. Main NW Corner of Main/Hezzie

Good Afternoon Alliks,

The newly constructed fence that have been built on the corner of main and Hezzie “130 W. Main” doesn’t meet Molalla standards and needs to be corrected asap. I have attach descriptions of what is required. Please let me know if you have any question by email or by phone 503-793-8214. Thanks

A. Purpose. This section provides general development standards for fences, and walls that are not part of a building, such as screening walls and retaining walls.

B. Applicability. Section 17-3.4.040 applies to all fences, and to walls that are not part of a building, including modifications to existing fences and walls.

C. Height.

1. Residential Zones. Fences and freestanding walls (i.e., exclusive of building walls) for residential uses shall not exceed the following heights above grade, where grade is measured from the base of the subject fence or wall.

a. Within Front or Street-Facing Side Yard Setback. Four feet; except the following additional height is allowed: Four feet height along Main Street and only 2.5 feet height in shaded area “look at image below

(1) A fence may be constructed to a maximum height of six feet where it is located on a street-facing side yard. Six feet height along Hezzie and only 2.5 feet height in shaded area “look at image below”

(2) A fence may be constructed to a maximum height of six feet where the fence is of open chain link or other “see-through” composition that allows 90 percent light transmission.

(3) One incidental garden structure (e.g., arbor or gate) not exceeding eight feet in height and six feet in width is allowed within a front or street-facing yard provided it does not encroach into a required vision clearance area.



Sam Miller | Sr. Engineer Tech.

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 | Molalla, OR 97038

T : 503-759-0217 | E: