From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Tue Nov 12 11:59:55 2019

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Zinder

Subject: FW: Follow-Up Information: RE: Alliance Fish Farm at 209 Dixon; Molalla, Oregon -- Keep scrolling

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image002.png; image003.jpg;


Hi Andy,

FYI --

I also found this information about the owner and the company, from a little online research.


From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 11:54 AM

To: '' <>

Subject: Follow-Up Information: RE: Alliance Fish Farm at 209 Dixon; Molalla, Oregon -- Keep scrolling

Here is some information about the owner I found on LinkedIn:


From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 11:50 AM

To: '' <>

Subject: Alliance Fish Farm at 209 Dixon; Molalla, Oregon -- Keep scrolling


Thanks for taking my call on Friday,

As I mentioned, the City of Molalla believes Alliance Fish Farm is located in some unpermitted, temporary buildings below at 209 Dixon in Molalla.

We are reaching out now to find out if this company has obtained the proper permits to have a fish farm at this location. We know that the use has not obtained a business license from the City of Molalla, nor have the buildings where they are located receive building or occupancy permits.

My map below (apologize for my poor penmanship. I was writing with my mouse) includes the temporary buildings where the City suspects the Fish Farm is located. We believe Cash Ice Company (and perhaps another company) are located in the main permanent building on the site.

Below the map, you will see a clip from the Alliance Fish Farm Facebook page.

The AFF website is located here:

A company video is located here:

We look forward to hearing the outcome of your investigation. We may pursue enforcement of this property for land use, building permits, and business license issues. It would be helpful to the City of Molalla to learn if the property has all required state licenses.

Kind regards,

Alice Cannon,

Planning Director

City of Molalla

(503) 759-0219
