From: Public Works Webform Submission

Sent: Wed Sep 18 12:10:54 2019

To: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Form submission from: Citizen Concern Form - Public Works

Importance: Normal


Submitted on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - 12:10pm

Submitted by anonymous user: []

Submitted values are:


Name of Citizen: Brandon Schlievert

Mailing Address: 1330 boardwalk ave


Phone Number: 9719408830

Department: Other

Nature of Concern:

Hemp processing plant has opened in the old cat litter plant off Industrial way across from Woodcraft Industries. The smell is making my home unlivable, wrecking the neighborhood, and most of all making my children sick! Not to mention it can be smelled very strongly at the elementary school! I went to talk to the workers and talked to the production manager, shift manager as well as a couple workers in the room. I was told there were NO plans to mitigate the smell and offered that I could always move. Seeing as I own my home or is not plausible to just pack up and go 'cause the smell of marijuana is wrecking my home. City code 8.05.030 sections A and B say this is NOT ok and we expect something to be done. Clearly the plant does not think they need to as again, said they have no plans to do anything about it and basically to deal with it or leave. Feel free to call with ANY questions, of be more than happy to talk.

-Brandon Schlievert




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