From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Mon Feb 10 10:01:54 2020

To: Rae-Lynn Botsford; Doug Eaglebear; Jacob Giberson; Steven Deller; Debbie Lumb; Connie Farrens; Jennifer Satter

Cc: Dan Zinder; Julie Larson; Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Cascade Center - Leroy & OR 211 intersection improvements

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 20191210 ODOT Approval MP12.16 Crosswalk Closure.pdf; 20200114 ODOT Revised Approval MP12.16 RRFB.pdf;


Good morning Planning Commissioners:

Please see Gerald Fisher’s email below giving a status report for the signalization of OR-211/Leroy Avenue, concurrent with the Cascade Center development.


Alice Cannon

From: Gerald Fisher <>

Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 9:14 AM

To: Dan Huff <>

Cc: Alice Cannon <>; City Council <>

Subject: Cascade Center - Leroy & OR 211 intersection improvements

Hi Dan,

Attached is an approval from ODOT for a rapid flashing beacon on the west leg of Leroy/OR 211 and a closure of the east leg pedestrian crossing. The closure is and interim closure until signal warrants are met then all legs will be open to pedestrians. While this is not the full signal improvement we asked for, this will help with the safety aspects of pedestrians crossing at this location. Thanks.


Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

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