From: Dan Huff
Sent: Wed May 08 15:56:08 2019
To: Debbie Lumb; Doug Eaglebear; Jennifer Satter; Rae-Lynn Botsford; Steven Deller
Cc: Alice Cannon; Gerald Fisher
Subject: Planning Commission Packet
Importance: Normal
Planning Commission – You will all be receiving the Planning Commission Packet and Staff Report for Cascade Station later today. As part of this delivery I wanted to introduce Senior Planner Alice Cannon who will be available for questions and clarification regarding the information that you receive. Alice comes to you with a lot of various experience from a number of locations, most recently, Tualatin.
You will notice that the Staff Report is quite lengthy but also very thorough. The report was completed by our former interim planner, but Alice put the final touches to the report. Gerald Fisher and I will be presenting the report during the meeting. Following the public hearing, Alice will present some thoughts and ideas for improving our process and reports for discussion. If you have questions and/or need clarification, please let Alice know.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
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