From: Rachel Cain

Sent: Tue Mar 21 22:05:10 2017

To: 'Dan Huff'; 'Jimmy Thompson'; 'Aldo Rodriguez'

Cc: 'Rae-Lynn Botsford'; 'Dan Burck'; 'Rachel Cain'; 'Jim Chapin'; 'Jamie Hinkel'; 'Gerald Fisher'

Subject: revised FW: Request: Comprehensive Plan Volumes II thru V

Importance: High


Good Evening Dan:

I will keep this short I know you are busy. Question for you? The Comprehensive Plan has (5) five Volumes, however, we were only provided Volume I and Volume I, which is 89 pages (the complete Comprehensive Plan is over 300 pages) and it is the only volume on the Planning Commission webpage. Is this an oversight? Please, can we have all Volumes I thru V put up on the Planning Commission webpage, for not only transparency for the residents of Molalla, but also, to make it available for the public and commissioners to read in its entirety?


Rachel Cain

City of Molalla Planning Commission

Planning Commissioner



From: Aldo Rodriguez []

Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 6:28 PM

To: 'Jim Chapin'; Rae-Lynn Botsford; Dan Burck; Jamie Hinkel;

Subject: Code Revision Project- all modules

Here is all the modules that we will be cover for the weeks to come. Right now we are reviewing Module 1 part 1of 2 and Module 1 part 2 of 2, but I just wanted to give the whole packet for your convenience. You do not have to review it all anytime soon, but if you would like to look ahead then its available for you all.

Also here is the link to the comprehensive plan.


Aldo Rodriguez

Community Planner