From: Christie DeSantis

Sent: Wed Apr 22 12:46:27 2020

To: City Council; Terry Shankle; delise128;

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Alice Cannon; Darlene Bishop

Subject: Tonight's Council Meeting

Importance: High

Attachments: 4-22-2020 City Council Meeting Packet.pdf; image001.jpg; 4-22-2020 Agenda.Work Session.DRAFT.docx; Molalla Proposed Fee Schedule - Council Presentation.xlsx; Molalla Proposed Fee Schedule - Fee Comparison.xlsx; Planning Peer City Fee Comparison Table - V3 - 4-16-2020.xlsx;


Good Afternoon Council,

Okay! We have a plan for this evening’s meeting. Yay!!

We had hoped to conduct this meeting via “ZOOM” so we could see each other, but have many obstacles in the way of that. Verrryyyy looongggg story, so we will do what we did last time and have you call in. Here’s the info:

Conference Call Number:

Dial 503-759-0001

Participant Code:


I’ve attached an updated packet, this agenda is numbered. I’ve also attached items that will be used for the Work Session this evening.

The Mayor and I will prompt you during the meeting for comments and votes, in an effort to eliminate people talking over each other. Just follow our lead.

Other items that you might be interested in or not, but here goes:


I think that is all for now. I’m very much looking forward to the time that we can all be in the same room together again.

If you have any questions that I can answer ahead of time, please don’t hesitate. Also, please give me a quick response so I know you’ve received this information. Thanks!

Warm Regards,

Christie DeSantis

City Recorder

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 | Molalla, OR 97038

Phone: 503.829.6855 | Direct Line: 503.759.0285

Fax: 503.829.3676


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