From: Leota Childress

Sent: Mon Feb 24 11:31:45 2020

To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Keith Swigart; Elizabeth Klein

Subject: Re: Jan 22 2020 Project Update for Public Works

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg;


Thank you, Dan.


I do realize that the upcoming left turn pockets will not effect the curbs. I was using that as an example. I contend that there is not room for a left turn pocket on southbound Molalla Ave at Heintz. I have not seen traffic backed up on either north or southbound to the extent that would create a need for left turn pockets.


While I realize these projects are in the TSP, I will readily admit that I did not do an in-depth study of each project therein. The next time we do such a plan, I will be more thorough.


I would like for the Mayor and Councilor Klein to weigh in, then we can set a meeting to discuss it.


Leota Childress

City Council President

City of Molalla




From: Dan Huff

Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 9:33:24 AM

To: Leota Childress; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Keith Swigart; Elizabeth Klein

Subject: RE: Jan 22 2020 Project Update for Public Works

Leota – Gerald is caught up today so I am responding to your e-mail.

These two projects – Heintz/N. Molalla Avenue and 5th Street/S. Molalla Avenue are not the same as Cole and Shirley. What the TSP has planned for both of those intersections is the addition of left turn pockets. So, in essence there is an additional lane to accommodate those left turns. We believe we know what your concern is and these two intersections will not fall into that category. We do not yet have plans to show you.

We may disagree on the “drastic” nature of Shirley and Cole but in the end these designs are in the TSP and you all are the governing body. Maybe you and I can discuss this one of these days.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon





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From: Leota Childress <>

Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2020 4:31 PM

To: Gerald Fisher <>; Dan Huff <>

Cc: Keith Swigart <>; Elizabeth Klein <>

Subject: Jan 22 2020 Project Update for Public Works

Re Item #24

I would like to see plans for how TSP Projects M29 and M30 will be completed. Turn pockets are of particular interest to me, especially at Molalla Ave and Heintz.

After reconstruction at Cole Ave and Shirley St was done with the jutting corners, I pointed out at the following Council meeting that we should review such drastic intersection changes in the future prior to work beginning.

I know you have lots on your plate right now so please set a date we can meet in the future.

Thank you,

Leota Childress City Council President

City of Molalla
