From: Elizabeth Klein
Sent: Thu Sep 17 14:27:02 2020
To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher
Subject: Re: Flash Flood Warnings
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; Thank you for the heads up on this. NOT A HIGH PRIORITY... Something I keep meaning to ask and forgetting... now bringing Gerald into the email in case he knows some info �� Creamery Creek runs across our property (flash flood warnings helped me remember this), and for the first time in the 12 years we have lived here the creek has gone completely dry. This has never happened before, even in prior years that had extended dry periods there was always some water in the creek. The creek also used to flood into the wetlands during the winter/spring months about 5-7 times per year. I don't think it has hardly left its banks in the last couple of years. Wondering if there have been some changes to the flow of water that feeds Creamery Creek. I saw in this 2003 storm water master plan that there were plans to make changes to the drainage that may be impacting the flow to the creek... but not sure if any of this work happened or not: It is a tad concerning because the area is considered a wetland but there is no water at all. Again, this isn't a high priority but wanted to put it out there because it keeps popping into my head at the oddest times and never seems to be a convenient time to ask. Thanks and hope you are hanging in there! Lizz Elizabeth Klein City Council City of Molalla 503-829-6855
From: Dan Huff
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 2:06:59 PM
To: Keith Swigart; Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Jody Newland; Terry Shankle; Crystal Robles
Subject: Flash Flood Warnings
Mayor and Council – We have flash flood warnings coming in from weather service sites due to the rain events we are supposed to receive tonight and Friday. We have posted this information on our Website and Facebook page. We will be placing Sand and sand bags at Bohlander Field.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
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