From: Leota Childress

Sent: Fri Apr 10 14:34:26 2020

To: Keith Swigart; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Jody Newland; Terry Shankle; Crystal Robles; Dan Huff; Christie DeSantis; Darlene Bishop; Gerald Fisher; Chaunee Seifried; Alice Cannon; Frank Schoenfeld

Subject: My Council Meeting Report

Importance: Normal


Mr. Mayor, Fellow City Councilors, City Manager Huff, Department Heads, and Lead Office Staff,


First, thank you, Dan and Staff. You are the best. Thank you for showing up every day, for brainstorming on how we can go above and beyond to serve our community during these unprecedented times, for keeping us up to date on directions from the County and State, for taking this opportunity to catch up on DPW projects, for keeping us safe (PD) and exploring how we can operate in this new virtual world. I know you're trying to develop a process around budget approval.


If we were at a Council meeting, this would be my report. I would like to encourage you, Mr. Mayor and Councilors, to send a report as well. We would also like to hear from staff if you have time to send something. Just another form of keeping in touch.


Triangle Design & Graphics is open for business at 114 Engle Avenue. This new shop is owned by Dean Blades, co-owner of Colton Winery. If you drive by The Main Shop, you'll see a large, encouraging poster in the window. Dean produced that poster and he and Ken Fetters are encouraging businesses to put similar posters in their windows.


Although we've been distracted with the COVID pandemic, I like to plan "as if". As if we will soon be sharing the Visioning project and as if Celebrate Molalla will happen in September.



I am in almost daily contact with Ken Fetters of The Main Shop. He is doing so much to meet the needs of the community. Here are a few




The Molalla Warming Center season ended just in the nick of time. Since City parks and eateries closed, the homeless population didn't have any facilities available to them so we placed two portapotties with hand washing facilities in front of the WC building.


The two largest community outreach programs, Meals on Wheels and the Foothills Resource Center, are still operating. Both have experienced an overwhelming influx of new clients, with MOW almost doubling. Both are using staff only. For various and good reasons, they are not allowing volunteer staff to participate, so Molalla HOPE, Inc., the nonprofit that runs the WC, has supported M.O.W. financially.


Robert Thompson is holding weekly virtual meetings via zoom for community businesses. Robert is on the Chamber Board and a local business man. He's one of "Ken's proteges" and is promoting and supporting Molalla in a big way.


Whew! I'm getting up there in the Gerald Fisher category with this report. (Love ya, Gerald.) Like I said at the beginning, please share. Don't know about you, but I feel so out of touch.


Be Safe. Be Well.


Leota Childress

City Council President

City of Molalla
