From: Keith Swigart

Sent: Thu Jan 02 13:56:19 2020

To: Dan Huff

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Fw: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Willamette Valley System Operations and Maintenance EIS- Scoping Report

Importance: Normal


Is this something I need to concern myself with at the moment?





From: CENWP-PME-Williamette-Valley-System-EIS <>

Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 12:03 PM

Subject: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Willamette Valley System Operations and Maintenance EIS- Scoping Report

Good Afternoon,


The Corps is pleased to let you know the Willamette Valley System Operations and Maintenance EIS Scoping Report and Appendices are now available. Links to the scoping report and appendices are found under Related Documents and Resources, on our website:


The scoping report provides a summary of scoping activities and public comments. Public comments received may be found in Appendix J.


Thank you to everyone that participated in the scoping process for the EIS. We appreciate all those that took the time to come to the public meetings, send in emails and letters, and provide comments through the portal. Your comments are being used to help us focus on issues of concern in the EIS and in the development of alternatives. The next opportunity to comment will come when the Draft EIS is released for public comment.



Thanks again for your participation!