From: Dan Huff

Sent: Tue Dec 01 11:16:54 2020

To: Frank Schoenfeld; Gerald Fisher; Chaunee Seifried; Mac Corthell; Diana Hadley

Subject: FW: Meeting Follow-Up - Framework for Moving Forward with COVID-19

Importance: Normal


Please read Steve Deller’s note to LOC Director Mike Cully. Steve Deller will be a great addition to Council!

From: Christie DeSantis <>

Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 3:14 PM

To: Dan Huff <>

Subject: FW: Meeting Follow-Up - Framework for Moving Forward with COVID-19

Steve cc’d me on his email to LOC. I wanted you to have a chance to read what he wrote, as well.


From: Steven Deller <>

Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 3:55 PM

To: Mike Cully <>

Cc: Christie DeSantis <>

Subject: Re: Meeting Follow-Up - Framework for Moving Forward with COVID-19

Mr. Cully,

Thank you for sharing this draft framework for review and consideration. I would like to provide comments on the chart provided in the County Risk Level section of the draft. While I have personal opinions on the balance of public health and governmental overreach, arguing them will likely accomplish little so here is a pragmatic approach to the proposed restrictions. My recommendation is to identify the level of restrictions will allow people to bend without breaking. For example, a restaurant may be able to provide safety measures and operate in a reduced inside capacity for a short time; however if you severely limit their capacity or restrict it to curbside pickup only, you may break the business, forcing them to choose between failing or operating in defiance of the restrictions.

In order to approach the "bend but don't break" level of restrictions, I believe we need to start by completely removing the Columns marked as "High" and "Extreme Risk" from the chart and renaming the "Moderate Risk" column to "Moderate/High Risk." The restrictions in the currently drafted High and Extreme Columns put too many businesses and people into an untenable position. I also believe that the limits on the social gatherings and faith based gatherings be labeled as recommendations as opposed to requirements. If government limits freedom of assembly and freedom of religion (or is even perceived as limiting), many people will outright reject all of the guidelines.

Thank you for your time,

Steve Deller

Molalla City Councilor (Elect)


From: Mike Cully <>

Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 5:19 PM

To: Steven Deller

Subject: Meeting Follow-Up - Framework for Moving Forward with COVID-19

Provided by the Governor's Office





Good Afternoon Mayors and Councilors,

For those of you able to join us this morning on the statewide Zoom call with Governor Brown’s staff and Dr. Dean Sidelinger of the Oregon Health Authority, thank you. We hope the framework that was rolled-out was helpful and clear.

As an organization, we continue to work with the administration to both keep our fellow Oregonians safe and healthy and our cities strong and viable. This fast-spreading and indiscriminate disease has proven this a challenge for all of us – and I hear your frustration and exhaustion.

To that end, we learn more every day about this disease, its spread, and the steps we can take to mitigate its ravages. Below you will find a link to the latest in a conceptual framework – as discussed with you this morning – guiding the state’s approach to reducing transmissions and protecting Oregonians from COVID-19.


Draft Framework for Moving Forward with COVID-19

I must restate that this framework is a DRAFT. We ask that if you share it with other councilors or staff in your city, to please let them know the document is a work in progress and will change. This is NOT a final version. If you have comments or questions, please reach out to me and I will assure they are answered or considered.

We’re all in this together and the LOC is here for you all.

Best regards,




Mike Cully, Executive Director


503-588-6550 direct: 503-540-6567 cell: 619-929-6640


1201 Court St. NE, Suite 200, Salem, OR 97301-4194


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