From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wed Mar 18 12:57:11 2020

To: Cindy Chauran; Chaunee Seifried

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: City Hall - Current Status

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg;


Cindy and Chaunee – Here is Leota’s opinion regarding utility fees. Her opinions are similar to the Mayors and Councilor Klein.


From: Leota Childress <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:09 PM

To: Dan Huff <>; Keith Swigart <>

Cc: Elizabeth Klein <>

Subject: Re: City Hall - Current Status

Dan, first I applaud you for the position you have taken. I like your different view and the desire to provide a sense of hope to the community. My appreciation and thanks to the staff as well.

I would like your permission to share the first paragraph of this email on fb. I believe it would be an encouragement to the community .

As for declaring an emergency, since the federal government has already done so, it may not be something we need to do. I agree that it can add to hysteria. If an event specific to Molalla calls for such action, then "so be it".

I've had a lot of time to think about all this, too, so I may ramble along with you. I am not in favor of openly inviting people to not pay utilities. I don't believe people are thinking of the long-term effect. Anything not paid today will have to be paid tomorrow.

We have policy in place for utility late fees and shuf-off fees. We might take a tempered approach and forgive late fees automatically if someone asks for it. We might give a rate-payer the option to divide cut-off fees into three payments.

In all the news stories out there, I did hear this term the other day "for those experiencing financial hardships due to the COVID19...". Some agency has probably come up with an application of sorts to determine the fallibility of claims.

With the restaurants and bars closed, we have lots of newly un-employed folks who were already in the low-income bracket.

Dan, keep up the good work.

Leota Childress

City Council President

City of Molalla



From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 9:57:26 AM

To: Keith Swigart

Cc: Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein

Subject: City Hall - Current Status

Mayor – I may have a different view of issues involving COVID-19 but we are not the only City who has decided to remain open and continue to provide service and hope to their community. I believe it important to provide an indication to communities that their government still operates and we are continuing to provide service (unlike Portland). However, we need to be cognizant and sensitive to the issues at hand and be safe and smart. Reports are changing hourly. Officials are testing vaccines in Washington State today. People are self-regulating, etc. My Staff is well informed and using proper precautions – we are being smart. And, they too believe we are here to provide service to the community who provides our paychecks.

Next Wednesday (Council meeting), I am considering placing a few things on the agenda for your consideration. One being a discussion of declaring an emergency (ORS 401.309). I am not convinced that this is a necessary action but I am checking with the city attorney regarding this issue. Jumping on the band wagon for no reason does not seem purposeful to me and I believe we will be adding to the hysteria. The other issue is utility payments. Should we discuss what some cities have done and suspend water shut-offs for non-payment. I suspect that more people would use this as an excuse not to pay – even if they can. The total calculated bill will continue to rise and they would claim they cannot pay at all. PGE and NW Natural will be keeping track and send out larger bills when this is over. Nobody is talking about that.

Please let me know what you think of my rambling.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon





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