From: Dan Huff

Sent: Tue Oct 06 16:32:07 2020

To: Keith Swigart; Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Jody Newland; Terry Shankle; Crystal Robles

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: DEQ Violations and City Appeal

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 20200828 Notice of Civil Penalty dated August 21.pdf; 20201001 Amended Request for Hearing and Request for MAO Amendment.pdf; image001.jpg;


Mayor and Council – as you all are aware, one month or so ago were received a “Notice of Civil Penalty” from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Since that time we have prepared the attachment for an Amended Request for Hearing and Request for MAO Amendment as we do not agree with the Civil Penalty letter sent to the City. The City is tentatively scheduled for a meeting with DEQ on October 20th and we intend to give you a briefing of the results of that meeting during the October 28, 2020 City Council meeting. If you have any specific questions about what is in either document, please don’t hesitate to contact me or Public Works Director, Gerald Fisher.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon





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