From: Keith Swigart
Sent: Thu Feb 13 09:46:37 2020
To: Christie DeSantis
Cc: Darlene Bishop; Gerald Fisher; Frank Schoenfeld; Diana Hadley; Chaunee Seifried
Subject: Dans Review.
Importance: Normal
Attachments: CM Review - 2019.docx; Good morning everyone; Well its that time again. This is the same format used last year, so please fill it out honestly as usual and send them back to me. There will only be one councilor interviewing you this year, as we finally have a full council. Once you send them back, I will forward them to council so they can set appointments with you for the interview. Council wants to have this process done before the April 27th meeting so we can present them to Dan in an executive session for his interview. If you have any questions, please e-mail me. Thank you everyone.