From: Dan Huff
Sent: Thu Mar 05 08:05:07 2020
To: Keith Swigart; Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Jody Newland; Terry Shankle; Crystal Robles
Cc: Gerald Fisher
Subject: Wastewater Lagoon Aerator on!
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 20200304_161418.jpg; image001.jpg; Mayor and Council – You may recall that we have been struggling with some issues in our lagoons since we began aggressively removing biosolids. One counter action was to place aerators in the lagoon to improve oxygen and therefore help the bugs improve their work. Here is a photo of the first aerator installed by Gerald’s team yesterday. We have a good group and they constantly work hard for our community. Dan Huff City Manager City of Molalla, Oregon (503)829-6855 ______________________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE This e-mail is a public record of the City of Molalla and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This e-mail is subject to State Retention Schedule.