From: DeLise Palumbo
Sent: Tue Jul 23 11:05:26 2019
To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: Storm water charges
Importance: Normal
Her concern was about the water that went into the storm drains last weekend.
As I said I thought it is not measured in that way. Amiright?
From: Dan Huff
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 10:50 AM
To: DeLise Palumbo; Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: Storm water charges
DeLise - The leak on June Drive was a water main leak not storm drainage. Crews mobilized yesterday to begin repair. So, a water main leak would not affect storm water charges. Water main/line repair is part of what we do from a maintenance stand point and is covered in monthly user rates.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
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-----Original Message-----
From: DeLise Palumbo <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 10:46 AM
To: Gerald Fisher <>; Dan Huff <>
Subject: Storm water charges
Good morning!
I was chatting with one of the managers at PacifiCorp this morning who lives on June Drive. Connie Thorman said there was a leak on her street on Sat Sun Mon and she wondered whether that would impact her and her neighbors' storm water charges.
I told her that I believe those are computed add a percentage of their bill (because it is based on property size) so it should not impact it at all, but I wanted to ask top be sure.
Will that leak affect their bills and if so can we adjust it?
DeLise Palumbo.