From: Leota Childress
Sent: Fri Oct 18 10:51:48 2019
To: Becky McCray
Cc: Keith Swigart; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Jody Newland; Terry Shankle; Dan Huff; Alice Cannon; Gerald Fisher; Chaunee Seifried; Christie DeSantis; Frank Schoenfeld
Subject: Re: One year after my visit, Colfax has a new shared space!
Importance: Normal
Hi Becky,
Thank you for sharing the story of Colfax. It is exciting to see what small towns across America are accomplishing. And, thank you for asking us to share. I am a City Councilor, Co-Project Manager for Community Visioning, and Community Builder. It is often easy to get bogged down in the present and plans for the future that we fail to look at the past. There have been so many exciting things happen her in Molalla over the past year or so.
Molalla is a rural town in Oregon with a population of roughly 10,000. Portland State University will provide their bi-annual report soon so we'll have updated numbers. We are a crossroads in that two State Highways intersect in Molalla. One, Hwy 211, is Molalla's main street. We are fortunate to have a City Council and City Manager who have no political agenda and work very well together. Each one is dedicated to Molalla and the community.
I am copying the City Council and Management staff on this email. Like me, they may not realize how much has been done. I'm sure they'll have even more accomplishments to add!
Again, thank you for your updates. I heard you speak at a Rural Development Initiatives conference a couple of years ago and still refer to my notes. You further inspired me to revitalize downtown.
On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 2:14 PM Becky McCray <> wrote: