From: Connie Farrens

Sent: Fri Mar 29 10:32:19 2019

To: Leota Childress

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher;; Terry Shankle; Keith Swigart

Subject: Re: Holiday Banners

Importance: Normal


Bummer, I am disappointed that the Chamber would be charged. It sounds like you have a flat fee charge regardless of quantity of banners. What time frame or calendar schedule do the current banners have? in other words, when do the fall banners come down and go back up after the holidays? Who is currently paying for the other banners to go up and coming down? If Leota is still doing the banner project and wants to take over the project, the Chamber would be happy to let it go. We just want some pretty banners up through the winter holiday time. Thank you for helping us get this sorted out.



On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 4:59 PM Leota Childress <> wrote:




I think you grossly misread my message. What I said is, "If the Chamber wants to hang holiday banners and have the City put them up and take them down, you should submit such request to Dan Huff so it can be brought before Council. The cost to put up and take down banners is $1,500 per event, or $3,000 for holiday banners."



This was neither a statement that the City would bearthe expe nse nor was it the promise of a donation . You are asking the City to spend $3,000 on Christmas/holiday banners vs. doing seasonal banners that could be switched out with existing banners at no extra cost. We have discussed the cost savings of seasonal banners for a couple of years. An exception and expense like this must be approved by the Council.


In order to get it before the Council, you must make a written request, including the cost, to Dan Huff.


Leota Childress

City Council

City of Molalla






From: Connie Farrens <>

Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2019 3:27 PM

To: Leota Childress; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: Holiday Banners


Hi, Leota, the Chamber President, Bob Jones, forwarded your message regarding the budget item for the cost to hang banners and to remove them. Showing the line item to be $3000 for up and down of banners. We really appreciate the city donating this work to the Chamber. We had no idea of the cost that was incurred with this endeavor. Again, we sincerely appreciate this donation to your local Chamber to beautify our City.

From the Chamber Treasurer.




Connie Farrens

PepCo Designs






Connie Farrens

PepCo Designs
