From: Leota Childress

Sent: Mon Jul 29 10:57:59 2019


Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Keith Swigart; Elizabeth Klein

Subject: Re: City Council Meeting

Importance: Normal

Attachments: OutlookEmoji-íí.png;


Hi Nicole,


What a great bunch of questions. Do you have a watch party? I'm glad to see that Lizz answered your questions or fowarded to the appropriate staff.


Leota Childress

City Council

City of Molalla






From: Elizabeth Klein

Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 11:44 AM


Cc: Leota Childress; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Keith Swigart

Subject: City Council Meeting

Hi Nicole,


Thank you for reaching out with your thoughts about last night's City Council meeting, I'm so glad you are watching online and are willing to send questions! I'm bringing the Mayor, City Manager, Dan Huff, and Public Works Director Gerald Fisher into the email as I think they will be able to answer a few of the questions you have better than I can:


Good Morning Ladies,



I took some notes last night while I was watching on line.....I missed part of the meeting but here is what my thoughts were....I am asking you both for feedback as if I am being to sensitive :) or if these types of questions or feedback is helpful?






Thank you for having this meeting online for us to watch.



1. ODOT Meeting?- Clarifying, October 2nd, 5-7pm at the library - Missed the purpose of this meeting.

Gerald, can you fill Nicole in on specifics or provide a link to more information, please?


2. Which section of 213 will change to 35 MPH? When is the official date (or is it when the signs are posted?)

Gerald or Dan, can you respond to this one, please?


3. A truck often has trouble on main street as well, they tend to just wait until the path is clear. It is not without complications as suggested. I appreciate your insight Gerald as always but a personal truck and a commercial truck/bus cannot be compared in my mind.

I personally believe we have to take into consideration our community's specific needs related to roads, pedestrians, bicycles, etc. and that what works in some areas may not work well here. I always appreciate that the city staff is willing to consider multiple views and re-assess if it appears that something isn't working the way it was intended.


4. Thank you counselor Klein & Childress for hearing the concerns about the new crosswalks and being willing to push back a bit.

Please always feel free to reach out with any input so we can be aware of areas of concern so we can continue to talk about solutions.


5. Thank you for the feedback from the Buckeroo stats, this is helpful in understanding how it actually played out in regards to the new curbs and the Police Department report.

Definitely, great news that there were no accidents to report during the Buckeroo. With so many people, cars, animals, etc. it is truly amazing to have such a good report!


6. The negative comments about our town and its people are discouraging. There are so many great things taking

place here. (things like, it's your town, do what you case someone complains....with sarcastic tones)

I believe that we need to just keep working to raise the bar and hope that people take notice. Some things take more time than we would like but we keep pressing on trying to do the right thing for this community and eventually there will be more positive comments than negative.


7. Thank you Mayor Swigart for working for the youth at the skate park...Positive movement will yield so much fruit.

Love this idea personally!! I am also in support of bringing youth in to do some artwork on the skatepark to "beautify" it - use street art design concept or something fun that youth can relate to, and work with the high school art program to make it happen. Just my two cents! image



8. YEAH, Celebrate Molalla - What a fun day it will be!

Yes it will!!


9. Global Leadership Summit - Welcome Natalie and city leaders!

I personally want to send a big "Thank you" to Foothills for providing this type of opportunity here. Although I will have to miss it this year, I know it will be fabulous!


10. Library - Summer Concerts - maybe have a social media presence in the future. Did not know about these, but they sound FUN!

Definitely, need to find ways to continue to promote all the fun things happening here! 


Thank you again, Nicole! I really appreciate the input and that you are engaging online!!



Elizabeth Klein

City Council

City of Molalla
