From: Keith Swigart
Sent: Tue Sep 17 07:47:44 2019
To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher
Cc: Elizabeth Klein; Leota Childress; DeLise Palumbo; Jody Newland; Terry Shankle
Subject: Fw: September 05 C4 Meeting Follow Up
Importance: Normal
Attachments: PPT - Displacement and MHC - Sept 5 - FINAL.pdf; From: Wilson, Trent <> Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 4:00 PM Subject: September 05 C4 Meeting Follow Up Dear C4 Members and Interested Parties: Two quick updates following Thursday’s C4 meeting. 1. Per your request, please find attached a PDF of the first presentation from Thursday’s meeting regarding the Risk of Displacement. The report is in the packet online, as well as the appendix from the racial inequity presentation and the full HNA. You can access those in the link below, but please let me know if you are having trouble. a. 2. Following Thursday’s C4 meeting, the C4 Executive Committee met and felt the December meeting would the appropriate time to return with a compiled list of the recommendations from the various housing studies. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Trent Wilson | Government Affairs Specialist Clackamas County Public & Government Affairs Public Services Building | 2051 Kaen Road, Suite 426 | Oregon City, OR 97045 Office: 503.655.8206 | Cell: 971.263.4183 The Public & Government Affairs Department is open Monday-Thursday 7am-6pm and closed on Fridays.