From: DeLise Palumbo
Sent: Wed Apr 10 12:47:19 2019
To: Gerald Fisher
Importance: Normal
Attachments: City Council Meeting Packet Document.pdf; image001.jpg; Hi Gerald I thought we said that we were almost out of buildable property in molalla so I'm wondering how those SDC's would benefit us even if we did raise them to those rates Can you give me some idea of what's left so far as buildable property now that we might get revenue from if we did this? That transportation increase is out of line with others. Is there work that we can put off for the future that we do not have to raise the SDC's so much? I understand what we're trying to do in covering costs for the street improvements and the wastewater plant with SDCs. From: Kelly Richardson Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 2:10:18 PM To: Keith Swigart; Elizabeth Klein; Leota Childress; Terry Shankle; Jody Newland; DeLise Palumbo Cc: Dan Huff Subject: REVISED PACKET SORRY THERE WAS A MISTAKE IN THE POLICE RESOLUTION FEE SCHEDULE THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED. Kelly Richardson, CMC City Recorder / City of Molalla 117 N. Molalla Ave. / P.O. Box 248 / Molalla, OR 97038 503-759-0291 Direct / 503-829-3676 Fax PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE This email is a public record of the City of Molalla, Oregon and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This email is subject to the State Retention Schedule. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail message contains confidential information belonging to the sender or receiver. The information in this message is intended for the addressee’s use only. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that you are prohibited from reading, using, disclosing, copying, or distributing this information in any way; further, you are prohibited from taking any action based upon the contents of this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, please delete it immediately. For further questions call our office at 503-759-0291.