From: Keith Swigart

Sent: Sat Apr 20 09:13:59 2019

To: Dan Huff

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Fw: LOC Bulletin - April 19 edition

Importance: Normal


I wanted to forward this to you. There is one Item that could affect us. when I come in next week. you can let me know if it does or doesn't affect us.





From: League of Oregon Cities <>

Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 12:32 PM

To: Keith Swigart

Subject: LOC Bulletin - April 19 edition

Viewthis email in your browser





April 19, 2019


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LOC Seeks PERS Relief for All Employers

Responding to Gov. Brown’s newly-released plan to stabilize PERS, the LOC says: “Wait a Minute!” Readmore



image ""City Opposition Needed as House Approves Prevailing Wage Bill

Cities – contact your senators and join the LOC in opposing HB 2408, which requires prevailing wage rates for projects in enterprise zones. Readmore



image ""Preemptions Threaten City Revenue-Raising

City action needed on three bills that would preempt city taxing authority. Readmore



image ""City Action Needed on 9-1-1 Funding

A hearing is scheduled for Monday morning on

HB 2449. Read more



image ""Building Official Legislation Moves to House Floor

HB 2420 impacts cities with building officials that are third-party employees, but also has new requirements that could affect when officials are employed directly. Readmore



image ""Committee Hears Labor Bill

HB 2016 is a response to last year’s Janus decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. Readmore



image ""QBS Legislation Goes to Senate Floor

City action is needed on HB 2769, which provides an alternative qualification-based selection (QBS) process for procuring certain professional services. Readmore



image ""City Vehicle Data Needed

LOC is requesting vehicle inventory information for its work on clean diesel legislation (HB 2007). Readmore



image ""NLC Seeks Input on Transportation Funding

The FAST Act will expire in September of 2020, and feedback is needed on the use of federal funds and projects needing help for completion. Readmore



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Hear What's Happening Inside the Capitol

Our latest micro-podcast, Inside the Capitol, covers the latest happenings at the Legislature in a fast-moving 5-10 minute episode.



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Legislative Bills To Watch

Stay up to date during session with LOC legislativebills to watch spreadsheet. This tool is updated weekly. New information appears in red. In addition, see a more comprehensive list of bills LOC is tracking and the hearing schedule for next week.



image ""Supreme Court Upholds City's Public Drinking Ordinance

The LOC filed an amicus brief in support of the state & the city of Beaverton in this case. Readmore



image ""Deadline is May 10 for "If I Were Mayor..." Student Contest

Cities can submit essays, posters or digital media presentation for this annual contest from the Oregon Mayors Association. Read more



image ""New LOC Podcast: Mid-Session Update

In Episode 17 of City Focus, the League’s lobbyists tell us how city issues are faring in this 2019 legislative session.



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Spring Conference Presentations Available

Session materials from the Local Government Spring Conference are now online.



image ""SDC Surveys Due May 5

This data allows cities to compare rates and helps the LOC keep policy decisions local. Readmore



image ""Register Now: Carbon Emissions Webinar

LOC’s Tracy Rutten will be on the panel for this April 24 training, which aims to help untangle HB 2020 and related bills. Readmore



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LGPI Offers Half-Day Labor Relations Seminar

Equip your team with the practical knowledge and skill set to manage a unionized work force and avoid accidental unfair labor practices. Learn more about this new training opportunity from LGPI.




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City NewsfeedWebpage

Updated daily, a collection of city news articles across the state.


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