From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wed Apr 10 08:37:42 2019

To: Kelly Richardson; Gerald Fisher; Christie DeSantis; Chaunee Seifried

Subject: FW: Agenda Items

Importance: Normal


Just so you are all prepared for questions tonight.

From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 8:37 AM

To: Leota Childress <>

Cc: Keith Swigart <>; Elizabeth Klein <>

Subject: RE: Agenda Items

I commented in green. This is becoming colorful.

From: Leota Childress <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 4:40 PM

To: Dan Huff <>

Cc: Keith Swigart <>; Elizabeth Klein <>

Subject: Re: Agenda Items

Oh my gosh, it's so nice to be missed. My week is so dull without our chats and laughs. I'm scheduled to sign checks Thursday or Friday so I'll be in then.

Thank you for the responses. My replies to your red comments are below in bold blue.

Leota Childress

City Council

City of Molalla



From: Dan Huff

Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 3:09 PM

To: Leota Childress

Cc: Keith Swigart; Elizabeth Klein

Subject: RE: Agenda Items

Glad you are on the mend. We have missed you dropping in! I have some comments below in red.

From: Leota Childress <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 1:05 PM

To: Dan Huff <>

Cc: Keith Swigart <>; Elizabeth Klein <>

Subject: Agenda Items

Hi Dan, I'm on the mend at last but still staying in. I have a couple of few questions

New $1,000 special event fee? I don't recall any discussion on this. We did talk about this, but I think it was a little confusing. One issue is that we eliminated the park use fee proposal because of recreational immunity. We believe that having a special event fee makes sense since the impact to our police department and or public works department can be large. However, we do provide the caveat that non-profits (Chamber, Kiwanis, etc., ) will not be charged. Where is this spelled out? This is what we do now. The $1,000 event fee is currently in our policies but not in the resolution.


Allocation of County Vehicle Registration funds




Article III. Planning Commission

2.06.030 Adoption of rules for conduct of hearings. The Hearings Officer is authorized to adopt (this section is deleted) shall follow rules of procedure for the conduct of hearings pursuant to this chapter., provided through ordinances and Development Code.

The Hearings Officer


2.06.100 Created—Composition—Compensation. A.1.a.2. No more than two voting members may be non-residents of the city, provided they live within the Urban Growth Boundary. There shall be more residents of the city than non-residents sitting on the board at all times.


This is strictly up to Council. Most cities do have a UGB requirement. However, Molalla City Council has full authority to do what is best for the community either way.

2.06.110 Terms of members. B. Unexcused absences from three regular meetings may disqualify a member at which time the Planning Commission may request that the Mayor appoint a replacement.


Placement of Coyote and Grizzly


Leota Childress

City Council

City of Molalla
