From: Dan Huff
Sent: Tue Oct 23 11:45:07 2018
To: Jimmy Thompson
Cc: Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: Safe Routes to Schools
Importance: Normal
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Oh, OK. We can look on-line or see it tomorrow. We have also been to Stone Place with the Chief and other officers doing training for kids.
We have been begging for others to join the push.
From: Jimmy Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 11:40 AM
To: Dan Huff
Subject: Re: Safe Routes to Schools
It was posted online yesterday, so I assume this week. It didn't necessarily paint the city in a bad ligbt, but it certainly did not do justice to the work that the city has done. Now, all of a sudden middle school twachers are concerned about the lack of a crosswalk and ODOT is going to do something because of their concern... that is kind of how it read.
From: Dan Huff
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 10:55:01 AM
To: Jimmy Thompson
Cc: Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: Safe Routes to Schools
When was this article in the paper?
From: Jimmy Thompson
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 5:16 PM
Cc: Gerald Fisher>; Dan Huff>
Subject: Safe Routes to Schools
Ms. Wohlers,
I apprecuate the article speaking about the lack of a crosswalk at Hezzie Lane. In the future, it may be beneficial to contact either myself or Dan Huff, or Gerald Fisher regarding similar issues. There has been quite a bit of effort that has gone into getting a crosswalk there, and there have been other improvements, such as a speed reduction and the installation of No Parking signs on the frontage of Stone Place. The crosswalk has been included with another large project that will provide pedestrian improvements from Hezzie Lane to 213 on 211. That project will likely not be completed until 2020, but so far because of Dan and Gerald's efforts, and efforts of both the School Board and the City Council we have gone from ODOT saying a crosswalk was not warrented to having one in an upcoming improvement.
I didn't just joke with Gerald about painting it ourselves, I have seriously considered it. If I could do so in a way that I could ensure the city would not receive any negative blowback from our partners at ODOT, I probably would have done so already. I am extremely frustrated that it was wrapped up into the other project, but at the same time when we do get it, it won't just be a couple painted lines destined to wear out.
Worth noting, because it is an intersection of public right of ways, there is actually a crosswalk there, it is just an "unmarked" crosswalk. Drivers still legally need to stop when a pedestrian enters the crosswalk (leaves the sidewalk) though I think many are unaware. The police recently put out a safety bulletin on the issue, and our Chief actually visited with students at Stoneplace one morning not long ago.
Best Regards,
Jimmy Thompson
City of Molalla