From: Jimmy Thompson

Sent: Fri Nov 02 12:36:35 2018

To: Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Keith Swigart; Jody Newland; Glen Boreth

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: Re: Crosswalk at Hezzie/Stoneplace

Importance: Normal


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;Leota,

Our house over in the Bear Creek development will be built in May, but until then we are at Stoneplace. I have spent most of my time on the issue defending the city and redirecting anger and angst toward the responsible party.


Some of the residents are not exactly reasonable. I was read the riot act because the city hasn't provided reflective vests and stop signs, even after expressing that the reason the crosswalk has been included at all is because of the work we have done, ODOT originally said no outright.


Anything that happens regarding crossing guards, in my opinion, needs to be citizen led. If any of us were to get directly involved, it could give the impression it is city sponsored and could create liability for the city in the event of an accident, which without a marked crosswalk is likely to happen. Plus, I have seen motorists go off on people for crossing like they don't even know it is a crosswalk.


The school district could send staff out there, which would be covered under the district's insurance umbrella. I can talk to some of the board members, particularly since per the recent article in the paper the middle school staff is very interested in making the walk safe.




From: Leota Childress

Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 10:24:20 AM

To: Jimmy Thompson; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Keith Swigart; Jody Newland; Glen Boreth

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: Re: Crosswalk at Hezzie/Stoneplace

Thanks Jimmy. Are you still living at Stoneplace? If I lived there, I would be rallying the parents to have crossing guards out there in the meantime. Have you considered spearheading an effort like that? It would be nice to see some action on their part, to demonstrate their concern.


Leota Childress






From: Jimmy Thompson

Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 12:28 AM

To: Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Keith Swigart; Jody Newland; Glen Boreth

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: Crosswalk at Hezzie/Stoneplace


Just a heads up at this point. I received a phone call back from the ODOT Region 1 Manager regarding a request I made for permission for the city to install a temporary crosswalk at Hezzie in front of Stone Place while we wait the permanent traffic control device that will be part of the STIP project.


He is having his team review the request to determine if it will create any safety concerns. If not, it is likely we will be granted permission to do so. That does not bind us to do so, but would allow us to consider doing so.


Also, he is looking to set up a meeting with Dan, Gerald, a few members of his staff, and me, to further discuss development plans for the area.


I will keep everyone updated as things progress.


Best Regards,
