From: Dan Huff

Sent: Thu Feb 15 10:41:05 2018

To: Jimmy Thompson; 'Elizabeth Klein'; Leota Childress; Glen Boreth; 'D Palumbo'; K Swigart; 'Cindy Dragowsky'

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: ODOT HWY 211 Project - Informational

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ODOT Meeting.20180213.docx; IMG950663001951518627269249.jpg; ODOT Project Flier 2-15-18.pdf;


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

Mayor and Council – Included with this e-mail is a transcript of an ODOT Staff person speaking to people about the Highway 211 project who attended an Open House for 213/Union Mills improvements on Tuesday, February 13th. Interestingly, the meeting notice did not include statements that information regarding 211 would be part of the meeting and ODOT has yet to have an Open House for 211. The other issue is that the photo is a project description poster of the 211 project that was presented during the meeting. However, the hand out language for the project description is different that the poster. Staff received an amendment to our current project IGA that uses different language yet again regarding this project.

We had discussions with ODOT 2 weeks ago about the escalating costs regarding this project and asked that we identify where the escalation is occurring. We have not heard back from them. Somewhere along the line the pathway has widened from a six-foot temporary asphalt path to a 10-foot pedestrian/bikeway path. This would in fact require additional right-of-way and escalate cost.

Bottom line is that the additional $750,000 Representative Lewis worked hard in providing to the project is being sucked up internally by ODOT and reducing what actually is constructed on the ground. We are preparing responses to ODOT regarding this matter.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855




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