From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Wed Jul 11 19:02:20 2018

To: Glen Boreth

Subject: Fwd: RWUP Public Hearing with DEQ 7-10-2018

Importance: Normal


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

Link to video.


Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone



-------- Original message --------

From: Russ Mabry

Date: 7/11/18 9:22 AM (GMT-08:00)


Subject: RWUP Public Hearing with DEQ 7-10-2018





Good job last night.


Below is the link to the RWUP Public Hearing with DEQ 7-10-2018. If you have any questions. Let me know. Thanks.


Your welcome to text me anytime. 503-705-2382


imageINCLUDEPICTURE "" \d \* MERGEFORMATfillColor14286846fillOpacity16384fFilled10100090000032100000000000500000000000400000003010800050000000b0200000000050000000c0202000200030000001e00040000002701ffff030000000000RWUP Public Hearing with DEQ 7-10-2018.mp4


The Facebook page is:


Molalla City Council Meetings - LIVE


Thank you.

