From: Jimmy Thompson
Sent: Mon Aug 20 13:10:52 2018
To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher
Subject: Fw: State of the City
Importance: Normal
Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;Lets chat about how to address this wednesday.
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 12:36:51 PM
To: Jimmy Thompson; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher
Subject: State of the City
Dear Jimmy, Dan and Gerald,
These are the questions I want to ask you for the article I hope to write on the State of the City of Molalla. There are 14 questions, the last one may be answered at this week’s City Council meeting.
We can do this one of two ways. I can ask you the questions and write down the answers. Or you each can answer them in writing (more than one or two words please) or we can combine the two,
allowing me to get help with some of the answers. I know you all are busy, so I will do whatever you want. However, if you do the answers in writing, please allow me the ability to question what I don’t
understand or if I find the need to add something to the answer.
Thanks for your time and help,
Questions for State of the city
I know the City Council has tried to find money to fix the streets, but the last election quashed that. How else can the city find money to fix the streets? What can the city do to get ODOT to fix Highways 211 and 213? Is there any way to keep large trucks off Molalla streets like Main Street?
The city is working on building a new sewage treatment plant. What steps has Public Works taken to start the process? Where will you find the money to build a new plant? What other steps does the Council and Public Works need to take to get the new plant built? How long will it take to build? Will the city need to build another new one after 20 years? Is there any way to make it last longer?
Back to the treatment plant, the city recently asked DEQ to change the class to C on waste water? Why, and what does this do for the city? How much money has been spent paying fines for wastewater that wasn’t class A? Why did the city seek Class A when it’s been apparent the plant wasn’t equipped to produce it (even though it does)?
There are a number of store fronts downtown that register as empty. Why and what can the city do to ensure downtown Molalla becomes more vibrant? How can the council or does the Chamber need to find new, attractive businesses to come in? Who owns these store fronts and what can council members do to get them to attract new business.
There’s been talk about pop up stores as well as an art store featuring articles from area artists. How or what can council members do to make that happen?
When is the city planning to hire an economic development director? An appointment like this would provide the city with a strong focus for new businesses? Can the city afford to hire someone for such a job?
What happened to the city council working together with the chamber of commerce? There used to be a chamber member at each meeting, that hasn’t happened in the last few months?
This budget year the city and the school district signed an IGA to equally pay for a School Resource Officer. Are there any other of these agreements on the way? Why or why not?
What has the city done and what can it continue to do to show residents that the council members and staff are working for them?
All in all, what would you like to say about how the city has improved from five years ago? Discuss!
How can you get more residents involved in working with and for the city? It would be nice to see more people attending council meetings, especially those who aren’t there to complain.
The council agreed to put a ban on plastic bags on the November ballot. How is that project coming? What is being done and by who? Any other measures you plan to put on the ballot?
Big cities typically do a state of the city annually in February. Any chance the mayor will start this coming up?
There’s a seat open on the council. What do you plan to do about it? Will you appoint someone or will you put it on the ballot? Also three seats will be open in January and it’s nearing time for the ballot explanations, can you tell us whether Elizabeth Klein and Leota Childress plan to run for their seats? Anyone else considering a run? I know that Glen Boreth is not planning on running.
Carol Rosen
Canby Herald and Molalla Pioneer