From: Jimmy Thompson
Sent: Fri Nov 16 16:21:38 2018
To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher;;
Cc: Elizabeth Klein; Leota Childress
Subject: Fw: Crossing guards at Hezzie
Importance: Normal
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Just a heads up, I have sent this to Board Member Satter requesting they consider providing crossing guards.
Best Regards,
Jimmy L. Thompson
From: Jimmy Thompson
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 4:19:52 PM
Subject: Crossing guards at Hezzie
Ms. Satter,
I hope this finds you well. I am hopeful you can share this request with the entire school board for consideration.
I have been working closely with the Region 1 Manager, Rian Windsheimer, for ODOT in hopes of expediting a pedestrian crossing at Hezzie Lane and 211. Today, Mr. Windsheimer called me to let me know they will be installing a flashing beacon when they receive the equipment in 6-8 weeks, with striping to follow as weather permits afterward.
This represents a significant improvement in safe access for students to the middle school, and more than a year ahead of the anticipated completion of the larger project. It also represents a significant change, and one I feel middle school staff may be in a unique position to help go smoothly.
Several members of the middle school staff indicated they were very concerned about this intersection. I humbly request that the school board consider providing staff members to act as crossing guards prior to classes beginning on mornings when school is in session following the installation of the flashing beacon. Their presence would certainly enhance the safety of our children while drivers adjust to the new traffic control device.
I greatly appreciate your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
Jimmy L. Thompson
City of Molalla