From: Leota Childress
Sent: Thu May 24 14:37:30 2018
To: Jimmy Thompson
Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Kelly Richardson; Elizabeth Klein; Glen Boreth; K Swigart; D Palumbo; C Dragowsky
Subject: Flower Pots
Importance: Normal
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Council & Staff,
First, let me thank you for approving my request to participate with the Chamber in some fashion.
This is to confirm that a filled flower pot costs around $100. Extra expenses over the term would be fertilizer, possible replacement plants etc. I do my best to be fully prepared, especially when I am presenting. I am also in constant contact with the Chamber and usually know what's going on. This is a copy of the May 17 email from Tara Clifford at the Chamber wherein she confirmed the costs. I had asked her for the cost of each pot.
Hello Leota,
We are asking for donations to replace the flowers in the current eight pots. Any extra money we raise can go towards new pots, so we can add more flowers going up and down Main St. and Molalla Ave.
The actual pot cost around $50. Last year I calculated that each new flower pot would cost around $100, that includes the pot, soil, fertilizer, and flowers.
Tara Clifford
Molalla Area Chamber of Commerce
109 E Main St. - PO Box 472
Molalla, OR. 97038
The $1,,000 will pay for eight filled pots and $200 will go to supplies, etc. If you have any question or comment, please reply to only me with a copy to Mayor Thompson and CM Huff.
Thank you!
Leota Childress
Molalla City Councilor