From: Dan Huff

Sent: Thu Aug 30 14:23:25 2018

To: Jimmy Thompson; Elizabeth Klein; Leota Childress; Glen Boreth; DeLise Palumbo; Keith Swigart; Jody Newland

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Farm Store - Comp Plan and Zone Change

Importance: Normal


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Mayor and Council – I am sending you a heads up regarding the decision that was made recently for the comprehensive plan amendment and zone change requested by the new Farm Store project on Highway 213 near Toliver Road. ODOT appealed our decision to the Land Use Board of Appeals due to what they believe is inconsistencies with the Transportation Planning Rule. We have withdrawn our decision and will be bringing the item back to you October 10th with suggested finding and condition amendments to your decision. What this means at this point is that ODOT does not have an appeal pending – although you may hear differently. You may here that we did not require improvements – untrue. You may hear that we did not coordinate with ODOT – untrue. You may hear that DLCD, ODOT and anyone else within earshot is unhappy with Molalla – untrue.

ODOT has no issue with the City’s decision regarding the Farm Store Development. Within that decision the City has required lane widening and full frontage improvements including sidewalks and storm drainage. We also had required the applicant to sign a development agreement identifying their proportionate share in future improvements to the intersection at Toliver and 213 once ODOT determines what the project needs to be in 2013. We originally had the applicant constructing the intersection and signal (with reimbursement) but ODOT declined that process until after they determine whether to build a round-a-bout or a signal. Thus, the crux of the issue.

Gerald Fisher and I have been continuously in contact with ODOT and we reached a few solutions this morning that we will work on between now and October 10th. In the meantime, I wanted you to know that there are always differences in approach and process that we will deal with from here on out regarding development issues along 211 and 213. Our goal is to always have others construct the improvements but that the improvements be made at the time of development. This community deserves quality development.

Let me know if you have questions.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855




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