From: Jimmy Thompson

Sent: Fri Nov 16 15:49:56 2018

To: Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; Glen Boreth; Keith Swigart; Jody Newland; DeLise Palumbo

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: Crosswalk at Hezzie

Importance: Normal


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;All,


I just spoke with Mr. Windsheimer at ODOT. We will have a flashing beacon installed at Hezzie Lane in 6-8 weeks. ODOT has ordered the equipment and will be installing it as soon as it arrives. They will do the striping soon after the beacon is installed.


Also, they will be bringing out some additional signage to help with awareness that will be put out when the beason goes in.


6-8 weeks is a far cry better than some time in 2020.


I am going to reach out to the school board and ask that they provide some crossing guards on school morning at the new crosswalk when it is installed.


Best Regards,
