From: Jimmy Thompson

Sent: Tue Apr 03 18:46:32 2018


Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; olesya salathe

Subject: Crosswalk at Hezzie Lane/211

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ODOT Response 4-2017.pdf;


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

Mr. Windsheimer:

I have attached a copy of a letter from you that was in response to a joint letter from the Molalla City Council and the Molalla River School District in particular regarding the need for a crosswalk on Highway 211 at the intersection with Hezzie Lane. There are 300 apartment units located on the south side of 211, with both Molalla River Middle School and Molalla Elementary School on the other side.


Today, a child was struck by a vehicle there. This accident fortunately was not fatal, but the next one may be. The "No Parking" signs and the reduction of the speed limit in the area. while helpful, are insufficient.


If I understand state law correctly, because Hezzie Lane intersects with 211, there is technically a crosswalk there, it is just presently unmarked. I doubt that drivers are completely aware of this.


Something needs to be done now, even if it is just marking it with solid white lines while your office and the city works through how best to address the need for pedestrian crossing there in the future.


Please let me know how we can best address this community need before we have anyone else gets hurt.



Best Regards,


Jimmy L. Thompson


City of Molalla